Terms & Conditions

1. Introductory provisions

In the context of these Terms, the following meanings apply:

  • 1. Agency - company SIDEWAYS Ltd., Grge Novaka 13, 23000 Zadar, Personal no.: 35603675180, registered for the activity of a travel agency;
  • 2. Authland platform at authland.com, website owned by the Agency
  • 3. User - any person who visits and uses the website at authland.com for the purpose of informing or purchasing the services advertised on the same;
  • 4. Registered user - any person who, after visiting the website at authland.com has registered his or her user profile using personal information;
  • 5. Customer or Buyer - any person who, after being informed, reviewing services and selecting a service, has registered his or her information and booked the service;
  • 6. Service - any tourist tour and activity service that can be purchased through authland.com;
  • 7. Service Provider - any legal entity that advertises its services on the website authland.com with the direct or indirect sale of these services by the company SIDEWAYS Ltd.

These Terms shall apply to the rights and obligations relating to the purchase of services through the Authland platform and the rights and obligations arising from the conclusion of the Distance Selling Agreement (hereinafter: the Agreement) between the Customer and the Agency shall be considered an integral part of such contracts and the terms and conditions for booking services, pricing of services, payment methods, guarantees, complaints, protection of privacy of personal data and other issues related to the use of the Authland platform and online purchasing.

Any registration by entering personal information made with the Agency through the Authland platform owned by it and at authland.com , both in the process of submitting a booking request and outside this process, implies full and unreserved acceptance of these Terms, and when applicable to the reserved price and on behalf of the persons listed on the reservation.

These Terms apply to all bookings made by sending request or by online payment.

The contract for the sale of services between the Customer and the Agency is concluded at the time of registration on the Authland platform by entering personal information and accepting the Terms stated here.

The contract is considered fulfilled when the Agency delivers an electronic voucher and / or invoice to the Customer after the confirmed booking request.

Users are advised to familiarize themselves with these Terms and Conditions before making a purchase and to regularly check them to ensure that they are aware of all rights and obligations.

Customers on the Authland platform are required to provide accurate, valid and complete personal information when filling out the registration form, while the opposite act authorizes the Agency to deny such user access or exercise of all or part of the services offered by the Authland platform.

The Agency is authorized, without notice, to change the content of these Terms, the offer of services, the prices of the same, other data related to the Authland platform as well as all other content of the Authland platform, due to which Users are obligated to check the content of the platform during every visit. The opposite does absolve the Agency of any liability. These changes take effect by posting on the website authland.com.

The Agency shall be exempt from any liability for damage that may occur on devices that allow access to the Authland platform and data stored on the same devices when using the Authland platform if it is the result of unlawful acts by third parties, computer viruses, etc. and other cases for which it is not responsible. The Agency shall also be exempt from any liability in the event of circumstances preventing the use of the Authland Platform.

All materials, photos and text are posted on the website in good faith to make it easier for the Customer to make their purchase. The descriptions and photos of the service on the Authland platform can be placed in three different ways: directly by the Provider through the user interface, by the Agency as directed by the Provider, and directly by the Agency for all services where the Agency is the main organizer.

The Agency fully disclaims any responsibility for the accuracy and / or completeness of all information and content contained on the Authland platform. The Agency reserves the right to make mistakes in the descriptions and images of the services, which are posted as directed by the Service Provider or directly by the Agency where it serves as a main organizer of the service.

The Agency does not guarantee that the photographs of the services are fully consistent with the appearance of the services themselves. We are not responsible for any unintentional errors in the description of the services. The actual service may deviate from the description and photos of the service on the authland.com website if the Service Provider changes any of the features of the service or if one of the suppliers does so in cases where the Agency is the main organizer of the service. All descriptions are regularly and thoroughly reviewed and approved.

General travel conditions are applied for all on-demand services that are also package arrangements in the sense that they include at least one overnight stay.

2. The scope

The website authland.com offers tourist services that represent tours and activities in the fields of gastronomy (tasting and consuming food), enology (tasting and consuming drinks), adventure, boat excursions, hiking (sightseeing) and similar.

These services are provided by the business entities in the field of food and beverage factories, family farms, tourist agencies, etc., while the individual services can be sold by the Agency as the main organizer, on their own behalf.

An Authland platform provider may be any legal entity providing food and beverage serving, food and beverage tasting, guided tours and other activities in the field of gastronomic and oenological tourism and related forms of tourism offer, for tourism purposes, including the Agency itself.

The Provider places a package of its services on the Agency's online platform Authland, through which the Agency obtains to the Provider the customers of those services, and the Provider is obliged to provide them with the services of the package that the Customers choose, and for the same is responsible to the Agency, all with commissions and profit distribution.

The aforementioned services are provided by the Service Providers through the website at authland.comand owned by the Agency, by entering, by themselves or with the assistance of the Agency, information on the company, services, prices, availability and conditions of purchase.

All services approved and published by the Agency can be found on the website authland.com , directly on the home page and by searching using the destination and the category filter.

By selecting an individual service, the mentioned data on the service, prices, availability and conditions of purchase are displayed to the Buyer, who can then select and purchase the service at a certain pre-communicated price.

The Buyer can only be an adult and able-bodied person. The contract may be concluded in the name and for the account of the minor and the completely incapable person by their legal representatives or guardians, and partially able-bodied persons may conclude the contract only with the consent of their legal representative or guardian. The Agency shall not bear any responsibility for acting contrary to this provision.

In addition to the services offered directly on the Authland platform, the agency also provides on-demand services, which can be requested by sending a request through the form available via the link "Do you want special tours, activities or transportation?" at the top of the cover page on the Authland platform or by sending an email to experiences@authland.com.

The Agency sells the advertised services on someone else's behalf and for someone else's account (Service Provider’s) and the Service Provider pays a commission to the Agency from the charged price of realized services.

When the online payment option is activated, the Agency sells the advertised services on its own behalf and for someone else’s account, and pays the amount reduced by the amount of its commission from the charged price of the services provided.

These processes do not apply only if the Agency is the main organizer of the service, when it retains the full amount paid by the Customer.

3. Registration

Each User of the website authland.com can register via the registration form which can be accessed via the link "Register" in the upper right corner of the title page. By such an act of registration, he becomes a Registered User.

Also, the User registers by sending a request for an offer of a particular service through the form available at the link "Do you want special tours, activities or transportation?", by which he/she becomes a Customer.

The act of registration implies full and unreserved acceptance of these Terms by the Buyer and thus it is considered that this Agreement has been concluded.

When filling out the registration form, the User is obliged to provide accurate, valid and complete personal data. The user is also authorized to choose the possibility for the Agency to inform him about new services and products.

4. Conclusion of the contract

The subject and commercial purpose of the Agreement is the booking of the selected service via the Authland platform on the website at authland.com with the possibility of paying the appropriate fee or price of the service.

The contract is concluded by means of remote communication (Contract concluded at a distance) by registering through the Authland platform when sending a reservation or outside the process, or by e-mail.

These Terms and Conditions, as well as individual terms of sale indicated together with information on certain services set by the relevant Service Provider, such as cancellation conditions, allowed maximum and minimum number of people and minimum number of hours to book the service before the start of the service, represent the Agency's offer.

By registering, sending a booking request or otherwise determined by these Terms and Conditions, the Buyer accepts them, whereby it is considered that a contract has been concluded between the Buyer and the Agency, according to the terms of sale specified in these Terms and Conditions.

5. Reservation process

a. Online payment

The Buyer can book tours and activities directly through the reservation form, which is available on our website at authland.com.

The Buyer on every each service page must select the desired date, date and number of people for whom the service is valid, then fill in the form with the required information, and then enter the credit or debit card information he or she uses to pay. By entering the information and clicking on "Pay", the reservation request will be sent to the Service Provider, who will respond to it as soon as possible.

The first step in completing the form is to enter an email address if the Buyer is not a Registered User of the Authland platform. If the Registered User of the Authland platform is also logged in, no email address is required. The Buyer will also be offered the option of accepting future notifications about new services and products of the Agency, which he may or may not accept.

The Buyer then proceeds to the second step, where he / she enters his / her personal information: name and surname, country of origin and telephone number, as well as a message to the Service Provider if there is a special note or request. In addition, the Buyer will be notified of the Service Provider's response by an SMS.

During this step, the Buyer will be informed that by submitting personal information entered so far and going to the next step, which is the entry of payment information, he accepts these Terms, as well as the Privacy Policy.

By entering and submitting personal information, the Buyer accepts the conditions stated here and thus the Agreement is considered concluded.

When filling out the reservation form, the Buyer is obliged to provide accurate, valid and complete personal information.

In the next step, the Buyer enters the payment information, meaning relevant credit or debit card information. After entering the card details, the amount of the tour or activity cost will not be processed and charged immediately, but only reserved, and a booking request will be sent electronically to the Service Provider.

A booking request is considered submitted when the Service Provider receives the booking information provided by the Buyer and they are determined to be correct.

Once the request has been approved by the Service Provider, payment will be made in full and the service paid. The Buyer will receive a notification of the Service Provider's reply via SMS, and a confirmation via email along with the invoice, voucher and any details relevant to the performance of the service - tours or activities.

Thereafter, with the presentation of the voucher, the Buyer is free to attend the service provided by the Service Provider, at the address indicated on the voucher, for the number of people indicated on the voucher and in the scope of the offer indicated on the voucher.

A reservation request sent to the Service Provider may also be refused by the Service Provider if for any reason he / she is unable to execute the requested service according to the given parameters of date, time and number of people. The Buyer will receive a notification of the Service Provider's rejection by SMS, if requested, and a confirmation via email.

In the moments during the purchase process, and after filling in the information on the desired date, date and number of people for the selected service and going to the first step, the Service Provider may change the information about the Service and its characteristics such as, but not exclusively: number of offers, prices, names of offers, conditions on the maximum and minimum number of people allowed to make a booking, availability of service, availability of dates. The Buyer will be informed of any changes in a timely manner and will be given the opportunity to react further to the change.

The Service Provider has 24 hours from the receipt of the booking request to respond to the same. If the request is not answered within the stated deadline, its validity expires and it is canceled. Service Providers will strive to respond as soon as possible on the request, in accordance with their capabilities.

If the Buyer registers his information earlier through a registered profile on the Authland platform and becomes a Registered User, he can access the updated information and status of all bookings and purchases through the "My Bookings" section at authland.com.

b. Tours and activities on demand

Tours and activities on demand, as well as certain group tours and activities for a larger number of people, are not automatically available for booking online and must be requested through our website. This process is done by sending an inquiry via the contact form for tours and activities on request at the top of the home page or by email to team@authland.com , no later than 48 hours before the planned start of the desired tour or activity.

After selecting and sending the desired dates and services, the Agency will respond with a confirmation of availability. If the selected dates or the requested service are not available, the Agency will recommend a suitable alternative to the Buyer.

The Agency undertakes to give advice to the Buyer on the selection of a suitable service, but the Buyer is responsible for its selection. Once the choice of service and date has been confirmed, the Agency will offer the Buyer an appropriate payment method that the Buyer will need to confirm in order to book the tour or activity. The Buyer has two days to accept the offer and secure the booking.

Booking request is considered submitted when the Agency receives complete data on the booking of the desired service sent by the Customer and they are determined to be correct.

By sending a booking request or personal data in cases where the request is sent via email, the Buyer accepts the conditions stated here and thus the Agreement is considered concluded.

c. Cancellation of the booking

i. Cancellation done by the Buyer - online payment

The Buyer is entitled to cancel a previously requested and/or confirmed booking at any time.

  • However, the refund of the amount paid, and upon cancellation, depends on the cancellation policy set by the Service Provider, which may be as follows:
  • • Full refund up to 72 hours before the service starts; no refund afterwards
  • • Full refund up to 48 hours before service starts; no refund afterwards
  • • Full refund up to 24 hours before service starts; no refund afterwards
  • • Full refund up to 7 days before service starts; no refund afterwards
  • • There is no refund regardless of the cancellation time

Accordingly, the refund of the amount paid depends on the condition set for cancellation for a particular service and whether the time of cancellation by the Buyer meets that condition.

If all the conditions are satisfied, the amount of money is returned to the Buyer, less 5% of the base price, which is a manipulative cost.

ii. Cancellation done by the Service Provider

The Service Provider, including the Agency, is entitled to cancel a previously confirmed booking at any time no later than 24 hours before the start of the service, and for a justifiable reason, such as: force majeure (natural disasters, etc.), death / serious injury on the side of the Customer or the Service Provider’s staff, an event that is cumulatively sudden, unforeseen, unpredictable and irrevocable, beyond the Service Provider's objective liability for its occurrence, due to which the Service Provider is physically and objectively unable to provide the service in question to which the confirmed booking relates.

The previously paid money for the cancelled service will be fully refunded to the Buyers’s account.

d. Booking alterations

i. Alterations done by the Buyer - online payment

The Buyer is authorized to change the previously confirmed or sent booking (in terms of number of people, dates, etc.), no later than 48 hours before the start of the service.

Any changes by the Buyer that result in a reduction in the price of the service (reduction of number of people, alternative offer, etc.) must be made through the Help center form available on the website, by telephone at the Agency's mobile number +385 91 982 3880 or by emailing support@authland.com.

The Buyer is obliged to propose an alternative term and / or number of people present and / or content of the service.

Any alteration proposed by the Buyer, the Agency communicates to the Service Provider by email or telephone. The Service Provider may agree to the alteration or reject it. If the Service Provider agrees (for example to setting an alternative number of people or time of the service), the Agency will inform the Buyer accordingly, informing both parties of the change.

If the Service Provider does not agree to the change proposed by the Buyer, the Buyer may accept the service as it was before the requested change or cancel it. If the service is canceled, the above cancellation and refund policy set out in the Cancellation section apply, which depend on the Service Provider itself and the particular service.

In the case of an on-demand service, the Agency, in the event that the Buyer meets the condition of the change, shall communicate directly to the Customer the possibility of the change, by telephone or email.

The Buyer is paid the difference in price within 48 hours after the end of the service. The difference is calculated only on the base price of the service, while the amount of the service cost, if any, remains in the Agency's account and is not returned to the Buyer.

Any changes by the Buyer that result in an increase in the price of the service, for whatever reason, the Buyer agrees to communicate directly with the Service Provider by telephone. The Buyer also agrees to receive all related invoices directly from the Service Provider.

ii. Alterations done by the Service Provider

The Service Provider is authorized to change the previously confirmed booking (in terms of time, place and content) in cases of: force majeure (natural disasters, etc.), adverse weather conditions (only for those services that are evidently performed in outdoor areas affected by atmospheric conditions) , death / serious injury on the part of the Customer or the employee of the Service Provider, an event that is cumulatively sudden, unforeseen, unpredictable and unavoidable, outside the objective responsibility of the Service Provider for its occurrence, as a result of which the Service Provider is physically and objectively unable to provide the service. and / or the date and / or content to which the confirmed reservation relates, no later than 24 hours before the start of the service.

The Service Provider is obliged to propose an alternative term and / or place and / or content of the service, and if it offers another type of service as a change, it must be the same or similar value as the previously selected service by the Buyer and cannot affect the previously paid price by the Buyer.

In all other cases, Service Provider is not authorized to change, but if in such cases the Provider insists on the change because he cannot realise confirmed booking in the confirmed scope, the Agency may contact the Buyer for consent, but if the Buyer does not agree to change, it is considered unjustified. The Service Provider is obliged to pay a contractual fine to the Agency.

The change is communicated by the Service Provider to the Buyer by email or telephone. The Buyer can agree to the change or reject it. If the Buyer agrees (for example, an alternative date or date), the Agency will notify the Service Provider, thus notifying both parties of the change.

If the Buyer does not agree to the change by the Service Provider or the Agency, ie he wants to cancel the booking, he will be refunded the money paid by online payment or advance in full.

In the case of an on-demand service, the Agency is authorized to change a previously confirmed booking only in the above cases and directly propose to the Buyer an alternative term and / or place and / or content of the service, in the same or similar value as the previously selected Buyer's service. In all other cases, the Agency may change the service only if the Buyer agrees to the change. If the Buyer does not agree to the change, it is considered an unjustified cancellation and the Buyer is refunded the money paid by online payment or advance in full.

e. Other booking provisions

The Buyer must attend the Service Provider's service on the date and time specified in the order form, unless the voucher specifies the possibility of modification or if not otherwise agreed with the Service Provider in the meantime, either through or without the Agency. There will be no fee for missing a timely arrival if the Provider performs the same without the presence of the Buyer who failed to arrive on time.

If the Buyer wishes to cancel the reservation, it must be borne in mind that he can be charged for the cancellation in accordance with the applicable cancellation policy set by the Service Provider. We strongly recommend reading the Service Provider's cancellation policy carefully before making a booking.

6. Payment methods

The Agency offers the possibility of online card payment to the Service Provider, as well as payment by bank transfer by proforma invoice.

a. Services on the Authland platform

Services can be paid via online card payment.

Exceptionally, if the Customer contacts us at experiences@authland.com, depending on the available time period, the Agency may enable the experience to be paid by bank transfer by issuing an invoice with payment information.

b. Tours and activities on demand

For tours and activities on demand, which may include special and customized services, for smaller or larger groups, 30% of the advance of the total price must be paid immediately upon booking. Payment of the full amount must be made no later than two days before the start of the service by bank transfer.

For reservations made less than two days before the start of the service, the full amount must be paid directly to the Agency's account.

Bank account data will be sent to the Buyer by the Agency by email after the registration of the Buyer with personal data requested by the Agency and acceptance of the Terms stated here. Upon receipt of payment, the Agency will send a confirmation email, including any details regarding the tour or activity.

For all international bank transfers, please follow our instructions, which means that all related bank costs are borne by the Buyer.

All payments will be made in Croatian currency - EUR.

7. Price

Specifications and information about the services and offers of the Service Provider can be found on the page of each individual service at authland.com , in the section "Offer and prices". In the same section, the Customer can also check the basic price of each individual offer contained in the service. To calculate the total price, it is necessary to select the date and date of the service and the number of people in the booking form.

In the case of online payment, the price of the service includes the cost of processing the transaction, which represents 3-5% of the base price. The amount of this cost is used to maintain the platform and cover the costs of processing the money transaction when booking services. Please make sure that all price information and related calculations on the page are correct before submitting your request.

By sending a booking request, you confirm that you have fully read and understood all the information listed in the "Offer and Prices" section, as well as the form for selecting the date, date and number of people.

The stated price refers only to the services and offers described on the service page and specifically in the "Offer and prices" section. For all additional services agreed with the Service Provider before the service or upon arrival at the location of the service, and which are paid on the spot by the Buyer, the Buyer submits a possible complaint directly to the Service Provider.

The Service Provider is authorized to determine a discount, daily or weekly promotions for a particular offer from the range of Services advertised on the Authland platform without prior notice.

When it comes to on-demand services, the price is communicated to the Buyer directly by the Agency, following the completed request and the registration of personal data.

The price of services is retail and includes all taxes and other duties and is expressed in HRK. All additional costs are clearly communicated.

Please note that the means of payment in the Republic of Croatia is EUR, and the buyer pays the cost of currency conversion.

8. Liability

The Agency is not responsible for the failure of the Service Provider in the sense of any damage or illegal operation.

For all arrangements where the Agency is not the main organizer of the trip (which will be clearly marked), Terms and Conditions of the responsible organizer of such a trip applies. The Agency is not responsible for the implementation of the tourist arrangements of other organizers.

In the event of Agency being the main organizer of the package arrangement, the Buyer has the right to complain to the Agency for the failure to fulfill the contracted service, the damage caused or the illegal work of the Agency. The Buyer is obliged to submit a written complaint to the Agency within 15 days from the day of the service consumption. Complaints filed after the expiry of the 15 day deadline will not be considered.

We emphasize that it is the obligation of the Buyer to act in good faith and to express his or her will to resolve the complaint during the tour or activity and to send his written complaint to the on-site Service Provider (reception, carrier, caterer or travel agency at the destination) and to request the Service Provider's written confirmation that he had received the complaint and that the cause of the complaint could not be remedied on the spot.

Each Buyer submits a complaint separately. The Agency will not consider the group objections.

The Agency is obliged to issue a written decision on the complaint within 15 days of the receipt of the complaint, in the same manner in which the complaint was received (by email, mail or personal delivery to which it will be answered by a letter with a return receipt to the complainant's home address).

The Agency will only deal with complaints for which the Buyer submits proof that he has lodged a written complaint with the on-site Service Provider and that the cause could not be remedied on-site.

If the fault of the Agency resulted in the failure to complete the program or part of the services, the Buyer shall be entitled to compensation in the amount of the real value of the unused services and may not include already used services or the entire amount of the service price.

Until the Agency decides in writing and within the stipulated time limit about the complaint of the Buyer, the Buyer waives the mediation of any other person, court institution or disclosure of information to the media.

The Agency assumes no responsibility for changes due to unforeseen circumstances and force majeure during the trip taking place within the purchased service. In that case, it may, in accordance with objective possibilities, provide services in the light of the situation.

The Agency is not responsible for any errors in the printing of the programs within the brochures / catalogs as well as for incorrect data entries by the Service Provider on the Agency's web pages.

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable laws, the Buyer agrees to exclude the Agency from any costs, losses and / or liability that may arise from a breach of the Terms and Conditions by a non-Agency Service Provider or from a breach, partial fulfillment, or default of such Service Providers.

The Agency does not accept responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged luggage. Lost, stolen or damaged luggage must be reported to the guide, if any, or to the relevant police station.

Email booking confirmation may also include a link to the website of the transfer service provider. The Agency is not responsible for the quality of service provided by the same.

9. Disputes and complaints

All complaints pursuant to Article 10 of the Consumer Protection Act may be sent by mail to: SIDEWAYS d.o.o., Grge Novaka 13, 23000 Zadar, by email to team@authland.com or in person at the seller's premises at SIDEWAYS d.o.o., Grge Novaka 13, 23000 Zadar.

In case of problems or ambiguities during the booking and purchase process, the Buyer can contact the Agency through the Help form available on the website, by telephone at the Agency's phone number +385 91 982 3880 or by sending an email to team@authland.com .

The parties agree to settle possible disputes by mutual agreement. If this is not possible, the court in Zadar has jurisdiction in the event of a dispute. Croatian law applies.

Competent authority whose official supervision is subject to the activity of a tourist agency in the provision of services in tourism: State Inspectorate, Tourist Inspection, Šubićeva 29, 10000 Zagreb.

Online Dispute Resolution platform

In accordance with EU regulation, customers can submit their objection to online purchasing, ie settling a consumer dispute for products and services purchased online, through the internet. European Union Regulation no. 524/2013. on Online Dispute Resolution platform effective 9/1/2016.

Article 14 (1) of that Regulation provides for an obligation for EU-based merchants participating in online sales agreements to provide an electronic link to the Online Dispute Resolution Platform on an easily accessible site on their website.

Electronic link: An online consumer dispute resolution platform

10. Personal data protection

The Customer provides personal data voluntarily. The Customer's personal data is required, among other things, in the process of reservation and realization of services and will be used primarily for further communication and for the purpose of realization of services that the Customer has contracted with the Agency.

The Agency undertakes to respect the privacy of the Customers and to keep the Customers' personal data carefully in the database, in accordance with the Law on Protection of Personal Data, or the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), as well as make it accessible only to employees who need them to perform contractual obligations.

The only exception to sharing your personal information is sharing information with the Service Providers as a necessary activity to realize the service.

Also, we are obliged to share your personal information in the case of a court order or the prevention of a criminal act by a competent state body.

We will only use your personal data, such as your email address, to send you promotional notices and news about products and services if you sign up for it yourself. You can unsubscribe at any time from such and similar notices and news, either through the Authland platform user interface or via email.

11. Use of media content

All photographs and images posted at authland.com are the property of Sideways Ltd., the contracting partners representing the service providers and the following persons and entities:

  • 1. Antonio Pejić
  • 2. Inja Pavlić (unsplash.com)
  • 3. Ante Hamersmit (unsplash.com)
  • 4. Nejc Bevk (unsplash.com)
  • 5. David Boca (unsplash.com)
  • 6. paulinas (pixabay.com)
  • 7. Sebastian Mey (pixabay.com)
  • 8. Tomislav Čizmadija (pixabay.com)
  • 9. Josef Gadermeier (pixabay.com)
  • 10. Filip Filipović (pixabay.com)
  • 11. Bru-nO (pixabay.com)
  • 12. Matthias Kroiß (pixabay.com)
  • 13. Cydonia (pixabay.com)
  • 14. Lucian Petronel Potlog (pexels.com)
  • 15. City of Kutina Tourist Board
  • 16. City of Koprivnica Tourist Board
  • 17. City of Delnice Tourist Board
  • 18. City of Varaždin Tourist Board

Unauthorized use, copying and distribution of these materials are not permitted without the prior consent of the author and owner. Please send us your requests for use to team@authland.com .