As soon as you arrive, you will be offered with a glass of wine. You are free to sip as much as you like through the rest of the night FOR FREEEE!! For those who are not into alcoholic drinks, we have some soft drinks available too. Our lovely host will take you to your seats and explain what we will be actually doing with all those paint, canvases and brushes. As you could already guess, this is not going to be an art school or anything like that. It is all about fun, meeting new people and creating some great experiences together. Host will guide you step-by-step to make your own master piece. We will have a certain theme for the night for you to re-create. The best part is that you get to take your own piece of art back with you as a memory to great time you had in Zadar.
Free cancellation
Full amount up to 48h before the service startsMin and max number of people
Has to be booked in advance (minimally)
Time to respond
If you think you might have trouble finding the exact location, do not worry. Upon booking confirmation we will deliver exact coordinates to your email address. In your voucher you will receive instructions on how to reach the location correctly, as well (if provided by the host). Some agencies will let you pick among several pick-up locations or pick you at the specific location of your own choice (e.g. your apartment). This is why they have your phone number and you have theirs - so you can easily arrange this over the phone.
Contact us at +385 91 982 3880 , at the email address experiences@authland.com or through the transfer booking section.
After booking your experience you will have an option to book a transfer to the destination, as well.
Our team is consist of 3 professional artists Frane, Dino and Arijana who will guide you step by step through the whole experience. This is not an art school or a class, it is all about fun but who knows maybe one of you is a hidden Picasso waiting to be discovered. Each of our hosts is fluent in English, some are in Italian and Spanish too. Our events are held mostly on English.
There are no additional remarks for this service.
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Zadar • Wine tasting & tours
Zadar • Wine tasting & tours
Zadar • Wine tasting & tours
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Contact us at +385 91 982 3880 or support@authland.com.
Wine and Paint Studio - Painting Party in Zadar