Destilerija Aura

Destilerija Aura


Hrvatske destilerije su ulaz u bogatu tradiciju izrade pića poput rakije, likera i biljnog brendija. Posjetitelji mogu istražiti umjetnost destilacije, sudjelovati u vođenim degustacijama i saznati više o korištenju lokalnih sastojaka poput šljiva, bilja i smokava. Mnoge destilerije nude i interaktivne radionice gdje gosti mogu pokušati sami miješati svoje piće, stvarajući dublje poštovanje prema ovom zanatu.

Naša priča

Starting from production for our own needs, we have developed into a family business with an emphasis primarily on the quality of our products. Our company produces various products from wild plants and wild fruits harvested in an ecologically clean environment on the slopes of the Ćićarija mountain away from roads and settlements. Our production includes interesting delicacies such as various jams, brandies that are aged for three years. The basis of all brandies is homemade komina, pear or apple. We can also point out that we are one company that produces 'Biska extra' brandy, which is made from harvested white mistletoe exclusively from apples. A special place in our production belongs to gin Karbun and gin Karbun Navy Strength.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Istria has always been a land of good food and gastronomic scene, let us prove it to you!