Eco Tuk Split

Eco Tuk Split

Turistički vodič

Hrvatski vodiči su pripovjedači koji oživljavaju destinacije. Bilo da hodaju kroz antičke rimske ruševine ili vode planinarenje u netaknutim nacionalnim parkovima, dijele lokalne legende, povijest i skrivene dragulje koji obogaćuju svako putovanje. Njihova stručnost osigurava da putnici duboko povežu s mjestima koja posjećuju.

Naša priča

We make sure you discover Split through fun and unique excursion by electric tuk tuk vehicle! Travel with us - in small groups of no more than 6 people to see the city's landmarks, monuments and popular sites, through historic streets and along the charming coast.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Split is 17 centuries old city, dating to the time the Roman Emperor Diocletian decided to build his Palace right on the peninsula near the great Roman city Salona, where he wanted to spend the last years of his life. It has been and still is today - a city filled with tradition, history, beautiful nature, vibrant atmosphere, year-long pleasant climate and relaxed people. It is the biggest city of Croatian region of Dalmatia.