Excursion Antonio

Excursion Antonio

Izleti brodom

Doživite prekrasnu obalu Hrvatske kroz nezaboravne izlete brodom. Od obilaska otoka do romantičnih zalazaka sunca, hrvatski brodari pružaju jedinstven pogled na kristalno čisto Jadransko more. Ove sjajne brodske usluge namijenjene su obiteljima, parovima ili grupama koje traže opuštajući odmor ili uzbudljivu avanturu na kristalno čistom moru.

Naša priča

Boat excursion Antonio is the best way to discover the Istrian peninsula. On the board with a seating capacity of 12/15 passengers, you will enjoy the perfect holiday experience. Don’t forget your camera, sun cream, and swimwear, and get ready for a memorable holiday experience! Favorable prices, professional and cheerful staff are a guarantee for good fun. Send us an inquiry and reserve your place on our boat, we will make your vacation in Istria special, and present the coast from a new perspective to the local population.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Istria is an attractive combination of marine and continental natural beauty and is characterized by rich and diverse flora and fauna. The coast of this alluring peninsula is well-indented and a number of small, quiet bays and larger bays such as Lim, Plomin, Raš, Medulin, and Pula give these regions a special charm and attraction. The most attractive tourist excursion spot is certainly Brijunsko.