I Travel

I Travel

Turistički vodič

Hrvatski vodiči su pripovjedači koji oživljavaju destinacije. Bilo da hodaju kroz antičke rimske ruševine ili vode planinarenje u netaknutim nacionalnim parkovima, dijele lokalne legende, povijest i skrivene dragulje koji obogaćuju svako putovanje. Njihova stručnost osigurava da putnici duboko povežu s mjestima koja posjećuju.

Naša priča

People usually visit Zadar for it best known contemporary landmark Sea Organ, its 3000 history with Roman ruins and unique St. Donatus church from 9th century or use Zadar as start/passing point to visit national parks like Kornati Islands, Plitvice lakes, Krka waterfalls. I would like to show my guests that there is much more to see and enjoy. Some quite interesting things/ locations are easily visited but often completely missed along the way to those better known sights.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

There is much more Zadar area can offer especially if the guest can dedicate a bit more time to this city and surrounding area. It is both islands and countryside, and people inhabiting those areas, that helped make Zadar a great city it always was and still is, so they are worth of exploring. As I have obviously Zadar area close to heart, I hope to pass some of those feeling to you. Hopefully you will realize that Zadar was for a reason a capital of Dalmatia for some 1300 years.