Incredible tours

Incredible tours

Turistička agencija

Putničke agencije u Hrvatskoj olakšavaju proces planiranja stvarajući prilagođene itinerere koji ističu najbolje atrakcije zemlje. Uz insajdersko znanje i personaliziranu uslugu, osiguravaju da svako putovanje bude i besprijekorno i nezaboravno.

Naša priča

The travel agency Incredible tours is a regional agency in Croatia that deals with receptive tourism, and is located in the city of Zabok. As the owner and the only employee, I gather all the offer of Zagorje in one place, with a constant effort to enrich and expand it. I am oriented towards the creative organization of various trips for families, individuals and groups of guests in the Hrvatski Zagorje area, but also for team building as an important segment of work, which I promote and offer to companies from all over Croatia. Promoting our region, we advocate an ecological approach and an emphasis on exploring and enjoying nature, with all the riches of the destination, which we present according to the guests' affinities. Bavimo se receptivnim turizmom i promoviramo našu prekrasnu regiju, kako bi se uzdigla na karti Europe i za strane posjetitelje koji traže najljepša prirodna bogatstva za svoje izlete i odmore tijekom godine.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Hrvatsko Zagorje is an oasis of greenery and pure nature, which we want to highlight in all our programs, combining visits to interesting localities, cultural sights such as castles, top gastronomy in our rural excursion sites with accommodation, and enology through wine tours on the picturesque hills of Zagorje. The mild continental climate allows you to come in all seasons and enjoy our thermal springs in several well-known thermal spas.