Kulturist & Rovinj Guide

Kulturist & Rovinj Guide

Turistički vodič

Hrvatski vodiči su pripovjedači koji oživljavaju destinacije. Bilo da hodaju kroz antičke rimske ruševine ili vode planinarenje u netaknutim nacionalnim parkovima, dijele lokalne legende, povijest i skrivene dragulje koji obogaćuju svako putovanje. Njihova stručnost osigurava da putnici duboko povežu s mjestima koja posjećuju.

Naša priča

As a professional local guide and a storyteller I offer tours for individuals creating a unique and authentic experience. My mission is to share passion I have for my town, for its tradition, its history and its people. My tours are created for curios and open minded guests and travelers who are looking for an authentic local experience and enjoy diversity and cultural exchange. There are three different tours for different taste and interest as well as pace and atmosphere. There's also additional things that you can choose to add to a tour if you wish so. My intention is to be your local friend and to show you hidden Rovinj with its stories, everyday life and history.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Rovinj is a gem, located on a rocky hill once an island. In the 18th century the island became a mainland and its bridge was pulled down. Sea routes and trading with Venice developped the town preserving its particularty in each street, each bay and each song as well as on each face of its people. Saint Euphemia watches over you, our protector and a protagonist of an interesting legend about a sarcophagus which secretly appeared to Rovinj in the 9th century. Let's see it!