Mountain Quad ATV Adventure

Mountain Quad ATV Adventure

Turistička agencija

Putničke agencije u Hrvatskoj olakšavaju proces planiranja stvarajući prilagođene itinerere koji ističu najbolje atrakcije zemlje. Uz insajdersko znanje i personaliziranu uslugu, osiguravaju da svako putovanje bude i besprijekorno i nezaboravno.

Naša priča

If you want to experience nature of the Velebit Nature Park on ATV off-road sightseeing tour, then you have come to the right place. Here we offer two hour or four hour tour. Beginner or not here we adapt to your speed. We start from Adriatic sea then trough mountain to the canyon of river Zrmanja. Along the way we will make few stops to take a break, take a picture and see beautiful Zadar hinterland and archipelago.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Starigrad Paklenica is a place where the mountain and the sea meet and is therefore interesting for swimmers and mountaineers. There is a starting point for the Paklenica National Park. The old part of the town is rich in archeological finds and architectural monuments. In addition to hiking and free-climbing, visitors can also enjoy caving, kayaking and off-road quad riding.