Raznolikost doživljaja u Hrvatskoj nadilazi tradicionalne kategorije. Od jedinstvenih obrtnika do personaliziranih doživljaja, svaka ponuda donosi novu perspektivu i dublje razumijevanje živopisne kulture i tradicija destinacije.
Naša priča
Since 2010 as Paklenica Avanturist team we have been providing array of services for climbers, amateurs and thrill-lovers in Paklenica National Park, being pioneers in this job for Starigrad, Paklenica and the surrounding area. We provide and organize guiding services for hiking and canoe safari routes, rock climbing lessons for people of different skill levels, and other experiences that different groups might be interested in. In our relationship with clients, one things is truly important - that we do what we love, try to innovate, and just as them we adore spending time outdoors with people of similar interests - adventurous spirits.
Naša jedinstvena lokacija
Paklenica National Park is the most important natural gem of Zadar Region. Proclaimed a national park in 1949 due to the need for preserving largest forest complex in Dalmatia, it is concentrated in 96 square kilometers of Southern Velebit territory. It is rich with different karstic forms, caves and flora and fauna species. Overlooking the village of Starigrad, it is easily accessible from many directions. Hiking trails and beautiful climbing rocks are suitable for different age groups.