

Turistički vodič

Hrvatski vodiči su pripovjedači koji oživljavaju destinacije. Bilo da hodaju kroz antičke rimske ruševine ili vode planinarenje u netaknutim nacionalnim parkovima, dijele lokalne legende, povijest i skrivene dragulje koji obogaćuju svako putovanje. Njihova stručnost osigurava da putnici duboko povežu s mjestima koja posjećuju.

Naša priča

As a tourist guide, I am constantly discovering new interests, expanding my knowledge, improving my storytelling skills. I passed the 1st degree of the sommelier course. A few years ago, I trained as a heritage interpreter, and after that I attended a storytelling course. I enjoy working as a tourist guide, because I really, really love my city, my region, my homeland. In my free time, I do outdoor activities, travel, hiking, skiing, but also chilling on the beach. So, come with me, and discover city of split and Dalmatia.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Split is one of Croatia’s most iconic cities, combining rich history, vibrant culture, and stunning natural surroundings. Its location—the unique geographic and environmental factors that define it—plays a significant role in making it an exceptional destination to visit, with many amazing historic sites for me to take you to see!