Varoška Pivovara (Varoška Brews)

Varoška Pivovara (Varoška Brews)


Rastuća scena craft piva u Hrvatskoj pravo je otkriće za ljubitelje piva i povremene uživatelje. Lokalni pivari spajaju tradicionalne metode proizvodnje s inovativnim okusima, nudeći ture i degustacije jedinstvenih piva inspiriranih bogatim hrvatskim nasljeđem i lokalnim sastojcima. Mnoge pivovare organiziraju i događaje, festivale te radionice, pružajući dubok uvid u kulturu hrvatskog craft piva.

Naša priča

Varoška Pivovara is a nano brewery, created out of enthusiasm and pure desire to make our own and high quality beer. We use wild yeasts in the production, while in the standard offer we have three beers (golden ale, Belgian blonde ale and stout!) and two beers specifically for each season. We can say that we nurture special and multidimensional approach to beer production, and our name (Varoš = the old part of the city full of hustle and bustle and events) reflects the Dalmatian playfulness and socializing, with which beer goes so well and is actually inevitable.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Our beers and our attitude towards their production reflect the spirit of Zadar, Dalmatia and the Mediterranean. First, our wild yeasts are exclusively from Northern Dalmatia and its precious nature. Secondly, part of the beer is aged in old Dalmatian barrels, giving them a special fullness of aroma, but also the intangible touch of Dalmatia. Finally, our brand is inspired by the pure Dalmatian immediacy, conversation and pleasant tones that have survived as a cultural asset for many centuries.