Stručnjaci za hranu i vino u Hrvatskoj predstavljaju most između turista i kulinarskih blaga zemlje. Od vođenih degustacija do radionica uparivanja okusa, kreiraju doživljaje koji ističu jedinstvene regionalne okuse Hrvatske. Mnogi stručnjaci istražuju povijest i tehnike iza ikonskih jela i vina, pružajući dublju povezanost s kulturom.
Naša priča
Enjoy wine tasting in the shade of the Mediterranean garden in the center of Skradin.
Naša jedinstvena lokacija
Skradin is a city with an extremely long and rich history, which is connected by a sea channel to the sea, and by the Krka river to the interior. Krka National Park is one of the most famous natural wonders of Croatia. This beautiful park stretches around the river Krka, as its name suggests. Cascade waterfalls are the most popular and well-known sights of Krka. Krka is also known for its rich flora and fauna.