Zadar Bike

Zadar Bike


Turistički operateri u Hrvatskoj nude pomno planirana putovanja koja zadovoljavaju svaki interes, od ljubitelja avanture do entuzijasta kulture. Njihova široka mreža lokalnih veza osigurava besprijekorno iskustvo putovanja i jedinstven pristup skrivenim draguljima zemlje.

Naša priča

Today we are proud to be able to provide you with number of guided, self-guided tours and tailored bike tours in Zadar and Zadar region but also we can take you to all the hidden corners of Dalmatia. We can only provide you with all the equipment you need for cycling, give you instructions and suggestions and you can explore by yourselves or we can be your guides. As we like to say cycling is the best way to explore Croatia.

Naša jedinstvena lokacija

Today, Zadar is an economic, educational and cultural centre of Northern Dalmatia as well as touristic destination due to richness of historical monuments and attractive natural landscapes of nearby coastline, islands and hinterland.