Putničke agencije u Hrvatskoj olakšavaju proces planiranja stvarajući prilagođene itinerere koji ističu najbolje atrakcije zemlje. Uz insajdersko znanje i personaliziranu uslugu, osiguravaju da svako putovanje bude i besprijekorno i nezaboravno.
Naša priča
We organize tours and activities related to authentic food and drinks of Zadar and Šibenik region. Wine, cheese, prosciutto, local people, local customs... We take the best of them and present it to you as our guests. Our mission is for people coming to our Croatia to truly discover its value - creativity, hard work, flavours. Join this journey with us!
Naša jedinstvena lokacija
Every micro-location in Zadar area is unique. Abundant with sun, wind, sea and fertile fields, this region of ours is a sight and experience to remember wherever you go. From Zadar archipelago full of magnificent islands to the city of Zadar itself, all the way to Ravni Kotari, Pag area, Novigrad sea and much more - in all of these places you will find great people producing quality food & drinks and presenting tradition the best way they know - by being themselves.